

Some facts about abortion: Women who have had an abortion report higher rates of depression and suicide. Women who have had abortion have a higher risk of future miscarriages. Women who have had abortion have


Some facts about abstinence: Couples who are sexually active before marriage report increased dissatisfaction with their sexual life after marriage. Couples who practice abstinence report that greater appreciation for their spouses than those who are


A quick overview of adoption:   The PRC does not arrange adoptions or act as an agent for attorneys or adoption agencies.  We can refer a birth mother to the appropriate resources if it is


A quick overview of contraception: The PRC does not dispense, prescribe, advocate, or refer for birth control.  It's important to be informed about the different types of birth control.  Many of the risks are not


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.

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