The mission of the Pregnancy Resource Center of Shiawassee County is to demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ and provide pregnancy-related services that support life for both mother and child.

The Pregnancy Resource Center was founded in 1985 to offer at-risk women an alternative to abortion, providing support and loving care in difficult situations.   Family Life Services was founded as the parent of the Pregnancy Resource Center of Shiawassee County.  From that time onward, we have provided care and resources for men and women and their children (born and unborn), understanding that both are valuable human beings with basic rights and individual needs.

The Pregnancy Resource Center believes that all life begins the moment of conception and therefore cannot support abortion regardless of circumstances. We will do everything possible to support a woman carrying a child to term and have extreme empathy for their individual circumstances.

Family Life Services and the PRC are governed by a Board of Directors.  The PRC is staffed by a paid Executive Director, Client Service Director as well as volunteer staff.  We are funded by supporters and donations from individuals and organizations.

The PRC is an independent,  non-profit organization dedicated to helping men and women no matter their circumstances, and regardless of age, race, finances, and religious beliefs.  All our help is provided free of charge and fully confidential.

We do not perform or refer for abortion or abortifacients, under any circumstances.  We do provide educational information regarding abortion.