How do I easily access Amazon Smile on my computer?

 Using your favorite internet browser, navigate to  Select the star icon in the navigation bar. In the dropdown menu that appears, select “Bookmarks Toolbar” or “Favorites Bar.”  Now, when you begin typing “amazon” into your navigation bar, should be suggested as one of your bookmarked pages.  

How do I easily access Amazon Prime on my iphone?

1. Load Safari (iPhone internet browser) and go to  2. Tap the “share” button at the bottom of the screen  3. Tap the “Add to Home Screen” icon. You may need to swipe left to see this.  You now have an AmazonSmile app on your home screen, which can be used in the same

How do I access easily Amazon Smile on my Android phone?

1. Open the “Amazon Shopping” app  2. Tap the main menu in the Amazon app  3. Tap “Settings”  4. Tap “Amazon Smile”  5. Follow the instructions on the screen to turn on Amazon Smile  6. All set! You should now see the “AmazonSmile” logo in the top left corner of your Amazon app! 

How do I sign up for Amazon Smile?

1. Navigate to in your web browser  2. Click the “Get Started” button  3. The page should tell you to “Start by picking your charity.” Enter “Family Life Services Inc” (PRC of Shiawassee’s former name) into the text box.  4. Click on “Select” next to Family Life Services Inc of Owosso, MI.  5. Confirm

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